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(Information that follows is taken from the FBLA-PBL guidelines)

Deadline: March 1

Instructions: Complete 10 activities.

  • Students: When you’ve completed the activities, share them with your adviser in our Google Classroom. If you’re using STEMPremier, include these items in your online profile: (you must have your parents permission to use the STEMPremier website)

    • Upload a photo of yourself

    • Describe yourself and your skills in 140 characters or less

    • Add your career interests and skills

    • Upload five projects or activities from the projects that you choose to work on

    • Request the FBLA-ML Member badge

    • Request the LEAD Bronze Level badge


  1. Electronic LEAD Bronze Level Certificate of Recognition that advisers may download, print, and present at a chapter meeting or event.

  2. Electronic LEAD Bronze Level Badge

  3. LEAD Bronze Level Pin mailed to the local chapter adviser.

Leadership: Team Player

  1. Let’s Meet - Attend a chapter meeting. (Record the date and time).

  2. Know the Basics - Create a flyer with the FBLA-PBL Mission, Goals, Creed, and Pledge. (Save a copy of the flyer).

  3. Spread the Word - Create a promotional piece to recruit local chapter members. Examples include a poster or bulletin board encouraging students to join your FBLA-ML chapter. Can be a team collaboration effort. (Post your masterpiece to a social media platform and use the hashtag #FBLAMiddleLevel).

  4. Text. Text. - Text two (2) friends and invite them to the next FBLA-ML meeting. (Share the names of the two friends with your adviser).

Education: Mission Impossible

  1. All About Me - Complete the characteristics worksheet. (Save a copy).

  2. My, Smart Phone! - Pretend you are designing a smartphone app. The app is based on YOU and what you bring to your FBLA-ML chapter. Design a mock-up to include: App Name, App logo, 3 traits about yourself, two leadership skills, one dream for your future career, and a tag line. You may use card stock, construction paper, or a computer. (Save a copy of your app – if you have not done it on a computer, scan your design and save a copy).

  3. My Talents and Skills - Join STEMPremier to create your online leadership profile. (You must have parent permission to do this step.)

  4. Tweet That! - Select a book, magazine, blog, or video on leadership, careers, or an aspect of business. Create five 140 character messages (the length of a Tweet) that highlight key points. (Save your messages).

  5. Business in Action - ​Participate in a chapter tour of a local or area business. (Write and save a press release that includes a photo of all of your members in front of the business you visited).

Service: Super Star

  1. Join that Committee - Participate on your chapter’s community service project committee. (Write a brief summary of the projects discussed, what you volunteered to work on, and what you learned from serving on this committee. Include a photo of your community service committee during a meeting with your summary).

  2. Be a HERO for Babies - Research Prematurity Awareness Month and create a rack card to promote World Prematurity Day. (Save a copy of the rack card).

  3. Count on FBLA-ML - Volunteer 5 hours of community service. (Write a brief summary and take a selfie at the community service event).

  4. Become an Eco-Helper - ​Create a poster that highlights a green idea and design an Earth Day card to reproduce and distribute to chapter members. (Save your poster and card).

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